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SEX: Is it better spontaneous or planned?



Whether spontaneous sex is better than planned sex is a subjective matter and can vary from person to person and couple to couple. It’s important to recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as people have different preferences and needs when it comes to their sexual experiences.

Let’s break down some key points:

Spontaneity Myth: The idea that spontaneous sex is inherently better than planned sex is a common belief perpetuated by media and popular culture. It suggests that unplanned encounters are more passionate and authentic.

Research Findings: Research on this topic has shown that while people generally believe that spontaneous sex is more satisfying, the reality is more nuanced. A study found that people who strongly believed that planned sex can be satisfying did not report lower sexual satisfaction when their encounters were planned.

Association with Satisfaction: The second study you mentioned found few direct associations between people’s sexual beliefs, the nature of their encounters (spontaneous or planned), and sexual satisfaction. This suggests that the belief in spontaneity may not necessarily translate into higher sexual satisfaction.

Individual Preferences: Individual preferences and needs play a significant role in determining whether spontaneous or planned sex is better. For some couples, spontaneous sex may be exciting and fulfilling, while others may prefer the anticipation and planning involved in scheduled encounters.

Practical Considerations: Practical factors such as work schedules, childcare responsibilities, and personal routines can also influence whether planned or spontaneous sex is more feasible and enjoyable for a couple. Sometimes, planned sex is necessary to ensure intimacy in a busy life.

Arousal and Stimulation: One important consideration is the level of sexual arousal and stimulation. Some individuals may find that spontaneous sex doesn’t provide enough time for arousal and foreplay, which can impact satisfaction. This is a common concern, especially among heterosexual women. 

In summary, there is no universal answer to whether spontaneous or planned sex is better. What matters most is communication and understanding between partners. Couples should discuss their preferences, needs, and desires openly to find a balance that works for them. Some couples may find that a mix of both spontaneous and planned sex keeps their sexual life exciting and fulfilling. Ultimately, the key is to prioritize mutual consent, pleasure, and intimacy in the relationship, regardless of whether the sexual encounters are spontaneous or planned.

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